Parental Control Home Protective Measures

Get your house in order!

More and more young children use the internet at a tender age


Today in New Zealand, children are required by their schools to use the internet for school subjects. Each child is required to own a device to use for their classes at school, to access school assignments, help and support and other research materials available online. Online tools also help teachers monitor progress of their students and make assessments productive. The time children are spending actually doing school work when they are online is unknown. It is because of this reason that parents can’t afford to keep using unfiltered internet content at home. While they have all these screen time, parents can use our filters to fend away harmful things, sites and content from offending or harming children. With a filtered system, your children can access just what they need for school and other decent content off the web and you the parent can enjoy your peace of mind, knowing they are protected.

Protective measures against rapidly increasing web-based threats

Ransomware, malware, phishing, and social engineering attacks are widely spreading and increasing in number. A lot of people are unaware these attacks are there. Even tech-savvy people have no idea an attack is taking place before their very eyes. People are manipulated every day into divulging personal and confidential information that may be used for fraudulent activities.  Your machine at home can even become a “zombie-computer” or botnet.

What is Safe Web Traffic
  • DNS layer block & filter
  • Block and filter per category
  • Accurate web-filtering
  • Quality Control & Monitoring
  • Security
  • Illegal Activity
  • Adult Content
  • Bandwidth Hogs
  • Time Wasters
  • General Sites
  • Additional Settings
Custom Blocks
  • Whitelist & Blacklist

Filtering Content

Our systems use AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning to help maintain an updated list of sites to block and filter and categorised with a comprehensive web categorisation that will categorised sites automatically. The comprehensive web categorisation system is extremely reliable in detecting botnets, malware, and other harmful content which will certainly improve your home cyber security.

An AV-comparatives independent organisation that tests and assesses antivirus software, has tested and proven our system has proven effective against adult content requests.

A third-party tester in Australia, Safe Web Traffic technologies is cited among the best threat-blocking DNS providers in blocking attacks and malicious systems doing a better job than most of the competition.


Our system can block your home from malware-infected websites before they can be downloaded into your computer.  Our systems are updated constantly to improve the quality of filtering.

Filtering website content

We have over 105 million websites in our database, it covers billions of webpages categorized into sixty categories and this number is growing daily. Any harmful website and website with adult and inappropriate content are blocked.

We can block any form of advertisement, for example, any video, and context ads, audio, banner, and pop-up ads.  Hackers use advertisement contents to deliver payloads that can infect and harm computers.

Free setup and support

TRAAFIC is a cloud service. There is no need to install software on your device for it to work.  You just subscribe and start to configure your filtering preferences using your own dashboard.

The subscription to your cloud filter comes with your own hostname for your static IP address.

Very reliable with faster internet

For fast access to our DNS server from anywhere in the world, our servers are located across Europe, the Americas, and the Pacific region. We use a technique called The Border Gateway Protocol Anycast a protocol that determines the fastest route in which data travels to reach a destination. It allows for convenience in redundancy and faster access to the internet compared to many DNS servers, even DNS servers of your local ISP (Internet Service Provider). 



Our Atamai Videos are designed with a unique understanding of how to teach internet knowledge in the simplest way possible. You can learn at your own speed in your own language. The videos are available right now in English, Samoan & Tongan. The concept is to teach vulnerable communities how to keep safe on the internet and how to protect themselves from the harm it festers.


sites on the database


of content, categorized by subject


cyber threats blocked daily

Safe Web Traffic Products received the 2020 AV-Comparatives Approved Parental Control Award for blocking 98.5% of requests for adult content with 0 false alarms.

Get your house in order today!